Sunday, 18 October 2020

Habits for Happiness

 Habits for Happiness 

At this time, more than ever before in my lifetime, we need to find ways to cope through this pandemic.  We are heading into the winter months and it appears life is going to get more difficult for all of us with further lockdowns and isolations looming across the globe.  I feel like the general consensus was that the first lockdown was a bit of a novelty for many.  We got to stay at home with our families and for many, despite working from home, enjoyed their time away from the work place.  Yet, a few months on and it doesn't feel this way now.  It feels different as we move into the second wave of the virus.  We know from history that the second wave hits way harder than the first so many are fearful for their own health and that of their loved ones.  Many are also fearful of losing their jobs, businesses and livelihoods which is causing great anxiety and stress in people's lives.  Long term we are collectively growing more and more concerned about the impact this will have on the economy.  The thought of further isolation from family and friends is not something we look forward to considering much of this year has already been lost to this virus.  So, we need to accept where we are and look forward to brighter days ahead and find little habits that we can incorporate into our lives to help us get through the winter months and find a different kind of enjoyment of life we have experienced before. 

Small habit changes impact our happiness.  Our own happiness and enjoyment in life is within our control, to some extent at least.  These small habit changes are not only going to get us through the next 6 months but they have shown to have lasting positive effects on our lives.  We spend so much of our lives working towards something that we believe will make us happy but it usually never does. When I get that job I'll be happy, when I buy that car I'll be happy, when I get married and so on.  Life is short and we need to learn to find happiness in it now.  The small habit changes I'm going to suggest to you in this blog will allow you to do just that.  

Astronauts can teach us a great deal about successful isolation.  When they go to space they set up a positive habit schedule to help them keep their spirits up throughout their mission.  This involves some simple habit changes incorporated into their day to day tasks that enable them to think positively and ultimately feel good.  Astronauts spend a great deal of time on a mission confined to a small space away from friends and family for large periods of time with limited, and sometimes no communication with them.  So, NASA trains them prior to the mission to set a schedule to enable them to make use of the time they have in their day.  This includes the usual stuff, getting washed and dressed, eating, brushing teeth etc. but NASA, along with positive psychology researchers, recognised the need to add additional elements into their mundane schedules to help the astronauts to keep their spirits up.  This includes simple habit changes such as thinking of three good things about their life that they are grateful for while shaving each day, or imagining family life at home before going to sleep at night when they return from their mission creating a positive image they can look forward to returning to.  

Here are some simple habit changes you can incorporate into your life today to help you make the next 6 months enjoyable and remind you of the control you have over your own happiness and mental wellbeing. 

1. Avoid watching the news.  A study published in the British Journal of Psychology called, 'Is the News Making Us Unhappy? The Influence on Daily Exposure on Emotional states' found that it is.  Another study found that negative news makes people catastrophise their own problems making them feel more stress and anxiety.  You may have noticed the news is rarely positive.  Notice how they tend to hold the one positive story they have until the end of the news programme dedicating the rest of the programme to report the negative things going on in the world.  If you enjoy watching the news limit your viewing to once a day and remember this is the media and they relish in sharing the 'bad stuff' with us but it is up to us to give them our time. 

2. When you brush your teeth use this time to think of three good things in your life - if you brush your teeth twice a day make sure you think of three different things each time you brush your teeth.  Making yourself do this initially takes focus but once you've developed the habit it will just become part of your norm but the impact on your wellbeing will be immeasurable. If you are a parent, get your children to do this too, they also need to learn happiness habits. 

3. When you wake in the morning before jumping out of bed or ruminating about the day that lies ahead of you develop a habit of pausing at this time.  I find this the best time to practice mindfulness.  Mindfulness is paying attention to your body, how it feels and paying attention to your surroundings, the sounds you can hear, the smell in the house and so on.  Pay attention to how the bed feels against your legs, for example, and just allow yourself to pause in the moment, allow your mind to not race away with itself as it so often does - develop the habit to train the mind to pause and be in the moment at the start of your day. I even started practicing mindful driving on my way to work as I often found I'd get to work without paying any real attention to my thought processes.  Usually my head would be filled with my endless to do list which created feelings of stress and anxiety every day by the time I pulled up outside work.  By training myself to practice mindful driving I focused instead on how the steering wheel feels in my hands, the sound of the radio, the trees outside, the taste of my coffee.  What that did for me was enabled me to feel calm and relaxed when I pulled up at work and as a result I found my whole day to be more productive.  

4. Set a new habit at the start or end of your work day where you start or end your day with a positive phone call, text or email to someone in your life.  This doesn't have to be work related, could be someone close to you like family or friends.  Setting up this habit is a great way to ramp up your social connections and it has dual benefit to you and the recipient. What's great about this one is once you have exhausted the 7 or 8 people closest to you you'll begin a scanning process where you start to scan for other people in your life that you appreciate or are thankful for something they have done that has made your life better in some way.  You start reaching out and connecting with people you are no longer in regular contact with and since we have social media today we can do this much more easily than our pre-social media days.  This enables you to start or end your day on a positive.  Try it.

5. Each day when you take a shower or boil the kettle set a habit to think of three things you are grateful for in the last 24 hours.  This habit makes you reflect on your previous day and filter out the bad from the good.  You might come across things that occurred that you didn't even realise were good aspects of your day.  

6. Have a jar in the kitchen and every time something good happens in your day make a note of it and add it to the jar.  When you are having a bad day empty the jar and remind yourself of all the good stuff in your life - sometimes we do need reminding. 

7. Develop the habit of kindness and aim to carry out a set number of random acts of kindness a day.  Evidence tells us being kind to others has a huge impact on our own mental health and wellbeing. A lovely habit to include in your life and another nice one for children.  If this is a family habit this allows for a great topic of conversation at the dinner table each night. 

8. Look after yourself and make time in your day for you.  Develop a habit for this like during breakfast jotting down one thing today that will nourish you, one thing that will strengthen you and one thing that will inspire you.  Add these things into your day somewhere.  It doesn't have to be difficult.  A delicious breakfast might be the thing that nourishes you today, a walk in the park after work might be the thing that strengthens you and watching an inspiring video might be your chosen inspiration for the day.  

9. For me I would add mindfulness in the habits of your day and I would do this at every opportunity. I know I have mentioned this before but this habit suggestion is woven into every part of your day, not just first thing in the morning. Remember being mindful isn't meditation, it is paying attention to what you are doing in that very moment in time.  Pay attention when you are in the shower to the feel of the water on your skin, to the heat and warmth it brings, pay attention when you eat your breakfast connecting to the senses to really smell and taste the food you are eating, pay attention as you drive to work, when talking to someone focus fully on what they are saying and what you are saying.  This makes a huge difference to how you feel.  What this does for you is allows you to stop the rat race in your mind - it is our minds that make us feel overwhelmed remember.  If you train your mind to focus on the here and now it prevents those overwhelming feelings it has become used to. 

10. And lastly, jot down in a book before going to sleep at night the best bit of your day.  Take time to find it, there is always one, even on the darkest days.  This allows you to go to sleep on a positive thought - so often it is when we go to bed and attempt to sleep that our mind defaults to the negative thought cycle. This habit helps you prevent this. 

There is no one size fits all with this, what works for one won't necessarily work for another.  What I would suggest is that you find your own new positive habit changes that fit in with your life and the person you are.  If we do end up in full isolation over the coming months take a leaf out of an astronaut’s book and create a schedule for your day incorporating the 'good stuff' in each day rather than just the mundane elements like work, making tea and tidying up.  Incorporate the things you love too like, reading, having a bath, exercise, facetiming a relative or friend or watching an old movie.  And remember a wise man once said, " To different minds the same world is hell or heaven" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). The great thing is we get to decide how we see the world we live in.


Saturday, 2 May 2020

Memento Mori 'Remember You Must Die'

Memento Mori is a Latin term meaning 'remember you must die'.  A Memento Mori is something that serves as a reminder of death and mortality.  Now, I am not trying to be morbid here, I promise, that's the last thing we need right now, but I do think we can use this idea as a motivator to live well.  
Daily Stoic | The Memento Mori medallion – Daily Stoic Store

Historically a skull was used as a symbol of memento mori.  Many people carry a coin of memento mori like the one in the picture to remind them that death is coming to them, using their own mortality as a motivator to live a good life. 

Steve Jobs famously said, when he was close to his death, 

"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear or embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.  Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.  You are already naked.  There is no reason not to follow your heart."

This global pandemic, I believe, is making many of us think about our own mortality more than we would like.  However, if you think about it in the wrong way then it will be depressing - yes.  Think about it in the right way and it will help you realise what is really important to you.  It helps you to prioritise and live a life that is meaningful to you.  This pause that we are all experiencing is helping many of us to stop and reflect on our lives.  Is your life going in the direction you want it to? Are you doing what you truly want to do in life or is your current job making you miserable?  So again, this pandemic might help some people out there to choose their own path in life after this ordeal we are facing has past.  It might help some of us remember that time on this earth is short and very precious.  

“Let us prepare our minds as if we’d come to the very end of life. Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance life’s books each day…The one who puts the finishing touches on their life each day is never short of time.”

Don't waste your time on the small insignificant stuff.  Very often people don't think about their own death or, and probably moreso, that of their loved ones, but death gives us meaning and helps us make the most of the precious time we have been given.  Never take for granted the time you all have, for tomorrow is not promised to any of us. 

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Coping with Isolation

We are now 4 weeks into the lock down in the UK due to the global Covid-19 pandemic.  So, how is everyone coping with the isolation? Many of us aren't coping very well at all, others are having the time of their lives.  So, what can we do to improve the situation if we are one of the ones who are struggling?

It is important to remember that there is little you can do about the current situation we all find ourselves in, but there is much you can do to control how you react to it.  These are truly unprecedented times for us all.  We are so used to our freedom. To going to the pub when we feel like it, to catching up with friends over brunch, to popping into see our mums and dad for a brew and a natter, to going to the shops to buy new clothes or furniture for your home or garden, yet here we are, for the first time in most of our lifetimes, unable to do these things we have always taken so much for granted in life. Probably the hardest thing for most of us is the isolation.  We are social beings and are drawn to the people we love and care about.  We need them to boost our mental health and wellbeing yet here we are unable to make contact physically with the people who are dear to us.  

The way I see this time is our lives is I see it as a gift.  An opportunity for life to pause for a little while. A time for us to stop and reflect about life.  It has certainly made many of us notice the things that are really important to us and the things that aren't.  We realise more than ever how important our people are to us - the people who matter in our lives.  We long for the day we can see them again, give them a hug and just be together.  You hear people saying things like, 'I will never take a hug from you for granted again'. Let's hope these things remain true and the impact of isolation doesn't just wear off and we revert back to our old ways. 

We also appreciate our essential workers much more than we probably ever did before.  How often before all this were you grateful to the people working in your supermarkets for stacking the shelves so you can get all your essentials for your weekly shop?  How much have you appreciated in the past the postman continuing to deliver you mail, the bin man continuing to collect your rubbish, the delivery drivers delivering fresh fruit and veg to the shops for you?  All these people out there risking picking up this, sometimes deathly virus, for us - to allow some of the world at least to keep moving.  Hopefully after this there will be no such thing as a low skilled worker.  These are the people coming to our rescue today.

And, of course, all the amazing people working for the NHS and Care System from the doctors, nurses and carers to the porters, receptionists and cleaners.  These people put themselves at the highest risk of contracting this virus and although we know for some they only experience mild symptoms, for others this simply is not the case.  It seems the more ill the patient the higher the strain of the virus they spread, which may be why we are losing some of our front line medical staff at an alarming rate.  Yet, despite having families, hopes, dreams and goals of their own they get up every day and go out to serve the public, strangers who need help at this moment in time.  We should never forget their sacrifice and I hope we never do. 

So, if you are struggling with isolation and have the option to be in the safety of your own home, with your immediate family around you then you are one of the lucky ones.  Feeling grateful to all those people putting themselves out there for us is something we should feel immense gratitude for and if you feel this way, believe me, you will cope with isolation.  This is only taking away our freedom for a very short period of time, we must remember that.  Use the time you have wisely because you are unlikely to have the opportunity again to hit the pause button.  Read, write, watch great films, draw, colour in, clean, organise those cupboards, exercise, talk, sleep, phone old friends, FaceTime your loved ones, enjoy your garden if you are lucky enough to have one - just enjoy the time you have been given here because before you know it we will all be back in the rat race (and complaining about that).  We cannot always control what happens to us but we can control how we respond.